Good Oral Hygiene Habits Are Essential for Gum Disease Prevention

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Gum disease is an easily preventable oral health condition where the natural bacteria in your mouth cause inflammation and potential infection in the sensitive gum tissues. When food residue and plaque are not effectively removed by your daily oral hygiene routine, they can gradually start to calcify.

Unfortunately, once tartar adheres to the teeth, it can be extremely difficult to remove without a thorough dental cleaning at North Texas Dental Associates.

To prevent this from occurring, the American Dental Association recommends maintaining consistent and effective daily oral hygiene practices. This is founded on brushing your teeth twice each day and flossing each evening. This can significantly improve your chances of developing hardened tartar.

Gum disease first develops as the condition known as gingivitis. Early symptoms often include gums that bleed easily when brushing and flossing as well as issues with chronic bad breath. In many cases, the gums might also look red or inflamed. Improvements to your daily oral hygiene routine after a professional dental cleaning can often reverse and prevent gingivitis.

If you live in the Plano, Texas, area and you’re concerned about the health of your gums, or if you need help improving your daily oral hygiene routine, you should call 972.535.6647 to schedule a checkup with Dr. James Hillstrom at North Texas Dental Associates.