Giving your smile the nutrients it needs will help you have the smile you desire. Along with your daily oral hygiene routine, your teeth and gums thrive under a healthy, balanced diet. At North Texas Dental Associates, we recommend a nutritious diet for our patients in Plano, Texas, to maximize oral health.
You can protect your teeth from the acids derived from sugary, starchy foods that damage them the longer they are in the mouth. Sweets like candies, cakes, pies, cookies, dried fruits, sugar-filled chewing gum, and starches like breadsticks, chips, and crackers can wreak havoc on your smile.
Nutritious foods for your smile include the following:
-Consuming foods high in calcium such as milk, cheese, yogurt, dairy, broccoli, and kale help build healthy teeth.
-Consuming foods rich in phosphorous, such as meat, milk, and cereals benefit your pearly whites.
-Consuming foods high in vitamin D, found in oily fish like salmon and tuna, along with milk, eggs, and mushrooms will give your smile boost it needs.
-Consuming foods high in protein provides needed amino acids. These are found abundantly in lean red meat, fish, poultry, cheese, milk, yogurt, quinoa, soy products, peas, kale, spinach, broccoli, and sprouts.
Combined with a healthy, balanced diet to promote strong teeth and gums, be sure to stay on top of your daily oral care. This includes brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day. Round out your dental hygiene routine by maintaining all six-month dental checkups and cleanings.
To schedule your next visit with our dentist in Plano, Texas, please call 972.535.6647 today. Dr. James Hillstrom and our entire team look forward to helping you create a beautiful smile!