Various Ways of Dealing With Dental Anxiety

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Is your oral health suffering because you are afraid to visit your dentist office for an oral health care procedure? If so, you are not alone. Many individuals suffer from what is commonly known as dental anxiety. Although dental anxiety by itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can lead to several oral health risks due to a lack of dental visits. Visiting your dentist is essential for receiving the proper oral health care examinations and cleanings. If you are suffering from dental anxiety, consider the following treatment methods:

– Dental anxiety typically occurs when you are overcome with stress. Thus, to lower your risk for dental anxiety, lower your stress levels.
– Speak with our dentistss about any oral health care procedures you may need as fear of the unknown is a known cause of dental anxiety.
– For your convienence, we offer oral sedation that you can take an hour before you come in for your appointment to help you relax. Some patients even fall asleep while being treated! You just need to have someone drive you to and from your appointment.
– Working on breathing patterns and meditating have been proven to help lower stress levels.
– If you suffer from dental anxiety, try listening to calming or relaxing music or holding a stress-relieving tool during a procedure.
– Visualizing yourself at a place that brings you joy can lower your risk of dental anxiety.

To learn more about treating dental anxiety, call to schedule an appointment with our dentistss at North Texas Dental Associates. Contact Drs. Hillstrom and Yue and our team at our office in Plano, Texas at 972.535.6647.