Irritating Canker Sores and How to Treat Them

Waking up one morning, you find a small white sore with red on the border in your mouth and wonder where it came from. Cankers are not only a nuisance but can cause discomfort when talking or eating. Here at North Texas Dental Associates, we want to give you a better understanding of the mystery surrounding this annoying, small ulcer... read more »

A Chipped Tooth Needs Repair Before Tooth Decay Can Exploit it

While your teeth are very hard, there are still things that can chip or fracture your tooth enamel. Suffering a chipped tooth from crunching on ice, or nibbling on objects might not cause discomfort or heightened sensitivity. Even if you are not distressed, by the damaged tooth, you should still strongly consider having it examined and repaired at North Texas... read more »

What Are Water Flossers and What Do They Do?

What are water flossers and what do they do? A water flosser is an interdental device that is made to supplement your oral health care treatment using an alternative oral health care treatment method of cleaning between teeth. Water flossers work by using an exceptional device that can spray beams of water at teeth, rather than a thread to scrub... read more »

Good Oral Hygiene Habits Are Essential for Gum Disease Prevention

Gum disease is an easily preventable oral health condition where the natural bacteria in your mouth cause inflammation and potential infection in the sensitive gum tissues. When food residue and plaque are not effectively removed by your daily oral hygiene routine, they can gradually start to calcify. Unfortunately, once tartar adheres to the teeth, it can be extremely difficult to... read more »

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Benefit You

People looking to improve their appearance are finding cosmetic dentistry a great way of doing so. Cosmetic dentistry is becoming increasingly popular thanks to the number of ways it can improve someone’s smile. It can cover everything from filling in the gaps between your teeth by reshaping the gum line all the way to whitening your teeth. There are a... read more »

Dental Crown: When a Filling Isn’t Enough

James Hillstrom and our North Texas Dental Associates team are pleased to be able to offer dental crowns for our patients in Plano, Texas and the neighboring communities when a filling just isn’t enough to do the job. A dental crown may be used to repair a smile that is experiencing any of the following dental conditions: 1-Cracked Tooth Syndrome:... read more »

A Temporary Crown Needs Care and Cleaning

Here at North Texas Dental Associates, your dentists, Dr. Hillstrom and Dr. Paxton, commonly use a two-step process to restore a tooth with a dental crown. The first step involves creating an abutment out of the core of the tooth by removing the tooth enamel. Then, they will take an impression of the area and will secure a hard, plastic... read more »

Basic First-Aid and Treatment Information for a Fractured Tooth

Your tooth enamel is one of the hardest biological substances. This is what gives your teeth the strength to bite and chew hard foods. Unfortunately, there are still some instances when a tooth can suffer a fracture. This might be as traumatic as an unprotected blow to the face or something as simple as grinding your teeth at night. The... read more »

Discover for Yourself If Invisalign® Is Right for You

With all the commotions and relatives coming our way as Thanksgiving approaches, it’s not too late to consider getting Invisalign® orthodontic aligners. With Invisalign®, you can get your teeth realigned smoothly and conveniently without all the hassle of wires and metal in your mouth. In addition, Invisalign® is discreet enough to keep anyone from potentially even being able to tell... read more »

Are Your Saliva Glands Working Properly?

Saliva's job in the mouth is to wash away food particles and moisten and break down your food. It helps you taste and swallow, and has disease-fighting agents which prevent tooth decay and oral infections. It also protects your teeth by secreting high levels of calcium, fluoride and phosphate ions which directly benefit your teeth. Saliva is created from blood and... read more »